Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty
A French engineer who was inspired and sharing the same feeling of freedom as the revolution in the USA, Frédéric Bartholdi, decided to make a statue that was taken from a Roman Goddess which was called The Statue of Liberty. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France to support their choice of having their own freedom. The work on this statue was started in 1876 in the 19th century after many designs on paper and starting to collect money for it. The statue was carried from France to the USA to Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It took almost 10 years to complete as it ended in the 1886 as a lack of funds needed to finish it. The cost can be estimated during the collecting of money from French people to fund the statue, raising 2,250,000 francs ($250,000 U.S. dollars). It doesn't look like much, but $250,000 in the 19th century would be the same as millions of dollars today. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the USA and is still in the same place.
The Statue of Liberty was constructed from many parts made of iron in France then they were welded and connected to make the woman carrying the flame of liberty. Then the statue was shipped to New York and placed on a base that was built of iron and fort wood. A mix of copper, steel with bronze and stone is in the skeleton of the statue. The material was prepared in France as each part was designed and finished then to be shown in the exhibit. Many engineers and designers participated in the design of the statue and chemists as well to prevent corrosion to the structure. The material cost was collected by the people of France to the committee that was responsible to finish the work . As mentioned earlier, the French engineer Frédéric Bartholdi was the one who designed the statue after a visit to New York to decide where to put the statue. The design remained the same and nothing much was added to it a part from new elevators. One of the main problems was the heavy materials in the skeleton; that was why they got rid of it to be able to carry it on a ship to the USA. The designer died in 1904.
The pride of the USA is the great landmark of the USA, the Statue of Liberty;it’s a statue which represents the Roman Goddess named Liberty and that’s why it’s called the Statue of Liberty. It was given by the French as. The symbol of the USA and it’s still standing at the same place. This is the symbol of friendship between French and the USA during revolution any times. Everyone who sees it will appreciate the beauty of the Statue which is standing in New York Harbor; it was built in France and transported to the USA. In this you can see the effort of the French people, how sincere they are to have peace with the free people and that’s why they sent a gift as showing their thoughtfulness. It took them 10 hard years to accomplish the gift, by that effort you can see how worthy it is and how strong the statue was being built because until the present it is standing still in the New York Harbor. When you visit New York you can see the huge Statue and you will be amazed because it’s such a great work of art.
Statue of Liberty - UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (n.d.). UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved May 7, 2013, from http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/307
Statue of Liberty, New York City. (n.d.). A View On Cities. Retrieved May 7, 2013, from http://www.aviewoncities.com/nyc/statueofliberty

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